Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Some lady on eBay put up an auction up for an empty pack of Marlboro menthol lights starting at 20 dollars. She kept saying in the ad that this was the first time she had done this and that she would put something in the pack of cigarettes that would be worth it. She also mentioned how her husband was a loser, drug addict, and a thief. She has 3 kids to support and doesn't get any support from anyone. i personally think that if you would fall for this it should be because you feel sorry for her, not because you want a surprise inside of an empty menthol light pack.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Once - Visual Media

Watching Once in class was nice, because it was a film that most people probably did not know about. The film was actually really entertaining and the music was very, very good. I personally like how the music in the film was really good and easy to listen to. The story was also entertaining. You wanted to know what was going to happen next. The only dislike I had about the film was that the ending wasn't what I was expecting and it kind of ended with you in question about what happened. Overall this film was very good and I would defiantly recommend this to anyone, but especially someone interested in music.

The use of visual media in this class was helpful to me. I thouhgt it was nice to change it up, because in all my other classes we have to listen to long lectures all day and this is a niv=ce change from that. The visual media also is entertaining and helps me remember more things about a subject. Some people, like me, are visual learners, and this type of media used is much more effective than boring lectures. The only problem I had was the video we watched of The Office. I happen to love The Office so it wasn't a problem there, but it didnt seem like it helped to much on what we had our paper on.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A favorite toy when I was younger was the teenage mutant ninja turtle action figures. I had countless ninja turtle action figures laying around the house. I even had the cars and vans they drove around in. These were my favorite toys because I used to watch the teenage mutant ninja turtles cartoon show and the movies they came out with later. I would make the ninja turtles fight against my power ranger action fugues, but I would always have the ninja turtles win because they were my favorite. After I eventually outgrew the ninja turtle action figures my parents put the in a box and put them in the basement. To my knowledge they still sit there. Honestly i never really outgrew the ninja turtles. There was a new movie that came out last year called TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and I went to the theatres and saw it.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Most shows on television lately are not even worth watching. Adding to that is the recent writers strike in Hollywood. For months there were no new shows on any networks. This made the lack of good TV shows almost disappear. One show I have watched for a couple seasons is House. It is a medical show where, House, a wacky, funny, doesn't care what anyone thinks doctor is the star who gets cases where no one can seem to find what is wrong or how to cure his patents. House has three doctors working under him. House is a very suspenseful show; it keeps you on the edge of your seat and has you guessing at what could be the problem. House is surprisingly very funny for a medical based show. House is defiantly worth taking the time to sit down and watch.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


A time when I felt an extreme emotion was on college move in day. Excitement is what I felt on move in day. Arriving at move in day and waiting in line was sort of boring but once I got all settled in with my stuff unpacked and set up I was excited. I was excited because for the first time I was living on my own. I was excited to meet new people and try different things. I had a very positive outlook on college life and was ready for it to happen. I remember when my parents left it was weird, i was like, "what do I do now". I was excited to be on my own and make my own rules and do things when I wanted. The first week of college was the most exciting time for me.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I actually find advertising pretty interesting. When I was in sixth grade my English class did an advertisement section. We learned about different types of ads and how they were used to lure people in to buy their products. We had to search through magazines to find examples of each kind of advertisement technique. Some of the things we learned in that unit I still remember today. Advertising is entertaining to me. I like commercials and unique ads in magazines. I am excited for this unit because i have an interest in advertising.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The comparison of two letters, like here in "Letter from Birmingham Jail" written by Martin Luther King Jr. and "A More Perfect Union" by Barak Obama, shows the differences, strengths, and weaknesses of the the two letters. Personally I can relate much more to 'A More Perfect Union Speech' than to "Letter from Birmingham Jail" because the fact that I am around for what Barak Obama is bringing to attention. I never knew what it was like in the Days of Martin Luther King Jr. In that time of King Jr. racism was much more prominent and the movement towards civil rights had never bee stronger. The types of racism today are much less severe then in King's time, not saying that racism isn't an issue today because it is, but it is just a different time.

In Barak Obama's speech 'A More Perfect Union' he directs racism more to a personal level than King, although racism has been a big part of both their lives. Obama addresses how he grew up in a family that was looked down upon by society, but he has fought through those adversities. Obama is telling his story of racism to the people to show that it can be overcome. King on the other hand speaks for the nation on the subject of racism. He speaks for the mistreated black community. He use the word 'we' very often when talking about the push for civil rights movement. I find this very appropriate since Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the most influential civil rights leaders this country has witnesses.